preacher preaching to a lgbtq crowd pride festival

A Message To The Remnant

preacher preaching to a lgbtq crowd pride festival
It’s clear today that much of society is disinterested in spiritual matters, prioritizing the economy, politics and temporal concerns over reflection or spiritual contemplation. Values and ideals once closely tied to the Judeo-Christian heritage now seem to hold little or no importance. Television often depicts homosexuality and loose morals as just another lifestyle, causing little concern.
Paul discusses these issues extensively in the first chapter of Romans, and we can observe these influences permeating society. The probable reason God’s judgment hasn’t fallen on humanity is that a remnant of Jesus Christ still exists—those who seek to serve Jesus Christ and be a light in the growing darkness. As we continue our journey, may we remain vigilant, ensuring that the truth of the gospel continues to influence those around us and ultimately, people across the world. Be not afraid. Jesus is with you. Be instant in season and out of season. Contend for the faith.

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