sermon on mount

Who will inherit the Earth?

sermon on mount

Matthew 5:5

“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”

When we study the Sermon of the Mount, we do a great discredit to the words of Jesus if we fail to study in context the meaning of the language during the days of our Lord. The following excerpt from the book “The Bible: How to understand and teach it” – ( Brooks) will shed light on verse 5 in the Great Book of Matthew 5 chapter.

What is meek?

“MEEK – The word meek has taken on a connotation that makes it a very poor reflection of Jesus beatitude, “Blessed are the meek”. Many people think of a meek person as a spineless weakling, a Mr. Milquetoast who apologizes for living and allows people to push him around. Yet, the Bible refers to Moses as the meekest of men. Certainly he was not a weakling. Jesus was talking about men who were open to new learning, men who were teachable. Truly it is such men who inherit the earth. In them strength is united with alert minds and flexibility of personality. Such mature people are the hope of the world. Perhaps one the best pictures of the word “meek” from the biblical meaning is that of a spirited horse properly disciplined, for in it we see power under control”
I do not think it is a teaching of the Bible to be a coward Christian. In light of the moral decline in the USA, more than ever we must stand up for what is right. We must stand against what is wrong and yet expressing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love and compassion. Yet a humble spirit is needed more than ever in our world.
We must press forward, not caving in to the world around us. Being led by the Holy Spirit in this life, will lead us the Kingdom where we will rule and reign with Christ for eternity.