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Jul '24

A Message To The Remnant
Jul '24

It’s clear today that much of society is disinterested in spiritual matters, prioritizing the economy, politics and temporal concerns over reflection or spiritual contemplation. Values and ideals once closely tied to the Judeo-Christian heritage now seem to hold little or no importance. Television often depicts homosexuality and loose morals as just another lifestyle, causing little concern.
Paul discusses these issues extensively in the first chapter of Romans, and we can observe these influences permeating society. The probable reason God’s judgment hasn’t fallen on humanity is that a remnant of Jesus Christ still exists—those who seek to serve Jesus Christ and be a light in the growing darkness. As we continue our journey, may we remain vigilant, ensuring that the truth of the gospel continues to influence those around us and ultimately, people across the world. Be not afraid. Jesus is with you. Be instant in season and out of season. Contend for the faith.
Dec '20

Facebook Went Too Far
Dec '20

I was scrolling through Facebook and I noticed this pic covered and labeled as violent content. I uncovered it and to my surprise it was not what I expected. It was a image of Santa Clause kneeling by a manger.
I am not a fan of telling kids about Santa Clause and especially the church mingling this paganism into the flock but how is this violent content? The message of the post about the painting is good, nothing evil. The idea behind the painting was to acknowledge Christmas is about Jesus and not the other things it has turned it into.
I have reported pornography showing up in my feed and supposedly, according to Facebook support, it did not violate any rules. But this pic of Santa was labeled as violent content by Facebook
Why is this happening? Easy answer. 2 Timothy Chapter 3. We are in the last days.
Facebook went too far with this. – from Pastor Wilson

Mar '18

These Are The Last Days
Mar '18

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; ( 2 Timothy 3:1-4 KJV)
When most people think of the “last days” or “end of times”, images of Bible scripture from Matthew Chapter 24 or Revelations come to mind. We envision earthquakes, wars, famines, plagues, and disease. Although those things are beginning and will only intensify, Paul told the young pastor Timothy what the people of the last days would be like before Christ returns. The Bible clearly shows that we are in the last days.
Paul said the people of the last days would be lovers of themselves. Have you noticed how the love of many waxes cold? How divided the masses have become? Natural affection for fellow human beings is disappearing, bringing with it no value for human life.
The Bible says Last day people would be covetous. More than ever people have forsaken the righteousness of God for the material gains of this world at any cost. Many are boasting of how good they are and how proud they are of their “toys” they have stacked up for the world to see. Many blasphemers shake their hands at the church and say “I don’t need your Jesus”. They love the pleasures of this world more than sacrificing and serving God and our communities.
It seems many children have become disobedient to parents as the idea of Biblical families has been trampled underfoot for the sake of political correctness. Entertainers and politicians have become high minded thinking somehow they know better than God and dismiss the Bible as a fable.
One certain entertainer recently went so far as to say Christians are mentally ill if they have heard the voice of Jesus. That would make most of the Bible great’s people with metal illness. It is nothing more than being despisers of good. Read more…