Ministries of the Church

Where Can I Serve?
Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world, the United States, the state of Mississippi and the town of Grenada. It begins in our own community with various ministries, and spreads overseas to every nation. Everyone is called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ outside of the church but also to be part of welcoming the hurting into the body of Christ at the church.
Power of the Cross Radio
The Lighthouse reaches out to the world through internet radio stations and podcasts. We are on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Spreaker and iTunes . All radio episodes are also available for download through this website in our media section. Our 24 hour radio station can be found at
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Our prayers moves the hand of God. The Lighthouse church is a body of believers dependent upon bringing our petitions before our Lord and committed to God’s sovereignty.
CrossFaith Ministries
The Lighthouse is a proud sponsor of CrossFaith Ministries. Crossfaith engages in several ministry areas such as music and prison outreach. Crossfaith ministries was founded by Pastor Farrell Wilson in 2021.
Marriage Ceremony
The Lighthouse is available for Christian marriages with licensed ministers and facilities. If you would like to schedule a ceremony please call us at (662)294-0608 or email us
Media & Technology
Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege of this church and a necessity in this modern age . We have a responsibility to use these tools as best as possible for kingdom purposes. We also maintain an active Facebook page for additional church communication.
Marriage Counseling
Marriages can be difficult to maintain. Misunderstanding, confusion, resentment, and anger can flare up in any marriage. Pastor Farrell Wilson has helped many couples by listening, helping, and encouraging struggling couples to understand by God’s grace. Biblical relationships that are struggling can be repaired into healthy relationships. Couples have found fresh hope and new joy through God’s power to heal domestically, spiritually and physically.