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Dec '20

Facebook Went Too Far
Dec '20

I was scrolling through Facebook and I noticed this pic covered and labeled as violent content. I uncovered it and to my surprise it was not what I expected. It was a image of Santa Clause kneeling by a manger.
I am not a fan of telling kids about Santa Clause and especially the church mingling this paganism into the flock but how is this violent content? The message of the post about the painting is good, nothing evil. The idea behind the painting was to acknowledge Christmas is about Jesus and not the other things it has turned it into.
I have reported pornography showing up in my feed and supposedly, according to Facebook support, it did not violate any rules. But this pic of Santa was labeled as violent content by Facebook
Why is this happening? Easy answer. 2 Timothy Chapter 3. We are in the last days.
Facebook went too far with this. – from Pastor Wilson