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Oct '18

America’s Modern Holocaust
Oct '18

There is the testimony of a Christian that lived in Germany during the Holocaust. He said they heard the stories of what was happening to the Jews but they tried distancing themselves from it because, what could anyone do to stop it?
A railroad track ran behind his small church and each Sunday morning the church could hear the whistle of a train as it approached and then the wheels coming over the tracks. As the trains would pass, they could hear cries and screams coming from the railcars as the trains passed by. They soon realized it was Jews like cattle in the cars! Week after week the whistle would blow.
They soon come to dread the blast of whistle and the sound of the train wheels because they knew soon they would hear the cries of Jews en route to a death camp. The screams tormented them. As time went by, when they would hear the whistle of the train, they would begin to sing hymns. By the time the train would pass the church they were singing at the top of their lungs. If they heard screams they would sing even louder and soon they heard them no more.
The man telling this testimony said that no one talked about it anymore but he could still hear the train whistle in his sleep. He said “God forgive me; forgive all us who called ourselves Christians yet did nothing to intervene” .
Now we have our own modern day holocaust in America. The murder of innocent unborn children. The latest laws passed in our country our unthinkable. Some states allow abortion up to birth, full term 9 months. Some have even considering allowing the mother to decide a child’s fate even after birth! That is infanticide.
How much longer will the church try to ignore the silent screams of the innocent? We must stand up for the unborn child. There should be more choices for the mothers, not just one of death. It is truly a modern day holocaust that history will look back on as one of the most vile atrocities of the human race
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