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May '15
Biblical Truths for the USA
May '15
Without God and the Bible as our foundation and guidance, there is little hope for the United States. We are in need of a spiritual awakening like never before in the history of this country. The USA is morally bankrupt and on the verge of a collapse economically and spiritually.
Out of Time
We are out of time. We must turn back to God and His Word before it is too late. There are some basic bible truths citizens should learn and quickly.
- Wherever God’s law is supreme, life and property are safe. Wherever the Bible is despised or discarded, neither life nor property is secure.
- When worldly friends were discussing theories around the dining table one day, Voltaire said: “Hush, gentlemen, till the servants are gone. If they believed as we do, none of our lives would be safe.” The influence of the Bible in restraining sin and promoting righteousness is one of the evidences that it is a supernatural and divine revelation.
- A nation without God’s guidance is a nation without order. Happy are those who keep God’s law!
- In Romans 1, the apostle Paul gives the four step decline in the history of the nation that forgets God:
- A nation rejects God
- turns to false religion
- it becomes bogged down in immorality and violence
- and then God judges it.
Consequently, a nation without God is a nation in serious trouble. Let us turn back to the God Word and Truths while there is still time.